Welcome to JPN 3023, a course in advanced-level Japanese. This course builds on your reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills, providing you an opportunity to master more complex grammatical structures through practical application in both written and spoken contexts.  Communicative activities, done in pairs or small groups, help you gain confidence in speaking Japanese and prepare you for everyday interactions in Japan. Additionally, aspects of Japanese culture are introduced, as culture is such an integral part of the language.
Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:
1. Understand the concept of politeness and change the language used when making a request or offer accordingly.
2. Appreciate the unique concept of grammar particular to Japanese, such as causative and passive voices, and use them appropriately.
3. Read the reading material that suits your level more accurately and fluently.
4. Increase the number of Kanji knowledge to be able to read authentic reading materials with less assistance.
5. Expand the knowledge of grammar to achieve higher levels of proficiency.

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